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Critical Gender Studies Journal

Critical Gender Studies Group (CGSG)

Critical Gender Studies Group (CGSG) is an international network of scholars, activists, and practitioners who are committed to advancing new debates and promoting activism in gender studies.  CGSG aims to explore how gender and sexuality shape and are shaped by various social, cultural, historical, and political contexts. It also examines how gender and sexuality intersect with other aspects of identity, such as race, class, ethnicity, religion, disability, and nationality. It seeks to challenge the assumptions and norms that underlie gender and sexual relations and to promote social justice and equality for all people.

The aims and objectives of the CGSG are to:

  • Foster collaboration and exchange among critical gender studies researchers, educators, and practitioners across disciplines, regions, and sectors.
  • Support the development and dissemination of critical gender studies scholarship, pedagogy, and activism that is rigorous, innovative, and relevant to contemporary issues and challenges.
  • Advocate for the recognition and inclusion of critical gender studies perspectives and methodologies in academic, policy, and public spheres.
  • Engage with diverse communities and stakeholders to raise awareness and foster dialogue on gender and sexuality issues and their implications for social justice and equality.
  • Provide mentorship and training opportunities for emerging and established critical gender studies scholars and practitioners.

CGSJ Scope: 

We consider CGSJ as a convergence of various disciplines that offer different theoretical and methodological approaches to analyze gender as a key element of social and symbolic order, as well as a site of resistance and transformation.


  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Arts & Literature
  • Cinema & media studies
  • Economics
  • History
  • Human development
  • Human geography
  • Law
  • Linguistics
  • Medicine
  • Musicology
  • Political science
  • Psychology
  • Public health
  • Sociology

CGSJ: Aims and Objectives:

  • To publish scholarly research that reflects current scholarship and approaches to Critical Gender Studies.
  • To foster interdisciplinary and transnational dialogues on gender, culture, and social justice.
  • To provide a platform for diverse and marginalized voices, perspectives, and experiences in feminist scholarship and activism.
  • To promote critical engagement with contemporary and historical debates and challenges in feminist theory and practice.
  • To contribute to the advancement of knowledge and social transformation in the field of gender studies.
  • To produce independent and critical thinkers who can apply their knowledge and skills to various academic and professional fields, as well as to social justice and activism.